Eliminating Excuses (Say No to “But”)

“Excuses are the nails used to build a house of
failure.” – Don Wilder

Eliminating excuses from our vocabulary is like clearing the
weeds from the path to our dreams. Excuses are often the
barriers we put up to protect ourselves from the fear of failure or
the discomfort of stepping out of our comfort zones. Saying “no”
to “but” is about acknowledging these fears and choosing to move
forward anyway.
“Every excuse is a choice to stay within the confines of comfort.”
Think of your journey towards your goals as a hike through a
dense forest. Along the path, you’ll encounter “but” bushes – these
are the excuses that block your way. “But I’m not good enough,”
“But I don’t have the time,” or “But what if I fail?” Each time you
encounter a “but” bush, you have a choice: turn back and stay
where you’re comfortable or push through and continue on your
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne
To eliminate excuses, start by recognizing them for what they are:
fear in disguise. Shine a light on your fears by writing them down
and questioning their validity. Often, you’ll find that they’re not as
insurmountable as they seem.
Set small, achievable goals that act as machete cuts through the
“but” bushes. Each small victory builds confidence and
momentum, making it easier to tackle larger challenges.
“On the other side of your excuses is the life you’ve been
dreaming of.”
Accountability is a powerful tool in the fight against excuses.
Share your goals with a friend, family member, or mentor who will
encourage you to push through your “but” bushes and keep you
moving towards your destination.
Remember, eliminating excuses isn’t about pretending fear
doesn’t exist. It’s about choosing not to let fear dictate your
actions. It’s a commitment to yourself and your dreams, a
declaration that you are in control of your journey.
By saying no to “but,” you open up a world of possibilities. You
allow yourself to explore, to grow, and to reach new heights. The
path may not always be easy, but the view from the top is worth
every step.

